
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have moved deeper than ever into the digital age, and the Clerk’s office can help lead the way. The Clerk is responsible for producing official minutes of all City meetings, processing ordinances/resolutions, updating the municipal code, ensuring free and fair elections, and accurate keeping of all City records.

All of these duties are increasingly entering digital spaces, and modernizing our procedures here will help our government operate more smoothly as a whole. While we all hope to soon be meeting again in person, digital options have helped new members of our community participate in city government in ways they haven’t been able to before, and Stephanie intends to make sure that those avenues for participation remain open in the coming years.

As Clerk, Stephanie will modernize the Clerk’s Office by:

  • Ensuring sure all our past records are digitized and continuously digitizing incoming documents 
  • Continuing to provide live online access to City Council meetings and allowing people to provide live public comments online even as we seek to return to in-person meetings. This will ensure that people unable to attend council meetings in-person can still fully participate in real time.