
Because the Clerk’s office receives all communications and petitions from the public and conveys that information to the City Council, it is the job of the Clerk to help the people raise their voices and ensure that their voices are heard

The people of Evanston deserve to understand how their government works. In our current world, with new issues arising daily and information constantly changing, a clear understanding of the government’s role in our lives is more important than ever.

In her work as a community organizer for the past six years, Stephanie has seen how information about and access to government helps our community members thrive. When we know what our government is supposed to be doing, we can demand more from our representatives to improve our lives and have our voices heard. The Clerk’s office is ideally placed to help make the inner workings of Evanston’s government clear to the public as we all work together for a better future.

As Clerk, Stephanie will seek to bring transparency to our office by:

  • Increasing access to education about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the ways the public can use it to hold elected officials accountable. As Clerk, Stephanie’s goal will be to empower our community members to learn more about FOIA by facilitating training and partnering with local organizations to host workshops throughout Evanston
  • Increasing public awareness regarding the Open Meetings Act and asserting the importance of holding honest and open meetings to allow for public participation and accountability. Stephanie will always advocate for our community’s right to open meetings, proper notice and your right to address our public officials
  • Making police files of past incidents public on request to facilitate greater police accountability